We will now take a look at our status as sinners prior to our life in Christ. Consider this brief additional doctrinal statement:
Apart from the salvation that Jesus obtained for me, I was God's enemy1 and a sinner falling short of His glory2. I was alienated from God3, dead in my wrongdoing and sin4, and an object of God's wrath5. As a human being I was born as a sinner6 through the disobedience of my fore-parents Adam and Eve7. Their attempt to know good and evil independently of God is the root of my own sin8. Although I deserved death and hell, Jesus has saved me and made me a joint heir with him. No righteous acts of mine would ever be able to atone, pay, or in any way compensate for my guilt before God9. Jesus saved me by God's grace and has made me a joint heir with him10. Amen.
9 Isaiah 64:6; Ephesians 2:8-9 ; Titus 3:4-5
10 Romans 8:17